Spotlight News
For Immediate Release: Bluewater Health, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Erie Shores HealthCare, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and Windsor Regional Hospital, and our shared service provider TransForm Shared Service Organization were recently the victims of a ransomware attack. We did not pay a ransom and we are aware that data connected to the cyber incident has been published. […]
Media Release: Update on Cyber Attacks at Regional Hospitals
Bluewater Health, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Erie Shores HealthCare, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and Windsor Regional Hospital, and our shared service provider TransForm Shared Service Organization were recently the victims of a ransomware attack. We did not pay a ransom and we are aware that data connected to the cyber incident has been published.Making ProgressWe have made […]
Bluewater Health, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Erie Shores HealthCare, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and Windsor Regional Hospital, and our shared service provider TransForm Shared Service Organization, were recently the victims of a ransomware attack that impacted operations as well as certain patient, employee and professional staff data. We have become aware that data connected to the cyber […]
Bluewater Health, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Erie Shores HealthCare, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and Windsor Regional Hospital, and our shared service provider TransForm Shared Service Organization, can confirm that we are victims of a ransomware attack.Working with leading cybersecurity experts, we have determined through our investigation that, unfortunately, certain patient, employee and professional staff data has been […]
Media Release: Update on Cyber Attacks at Regional Hospitals
October 27, 2023 – For Immediate Release Bluewater Health, Chatham Kent Health Alliance, Erie Shores HealthCare, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and Windsor Regional Hospital, along with our shared service provider TransForm Shared Service Organization, continue to work around the clock to restore systems following a recent cybersecurity incident. Leading third-party cybersecurity experts have been engaged and […]
IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Systems Outage Update
We are providing an update on the technical issues we are experiencing. As the shared service provider we have determined that our member hospitals are experiencing a cyberattack.Unfortunately, this incident is impacting their provision of care in various ways. For those patients who have care scheduled in the next few days, the hospitals will contact […]
System Outage – October 23, 2023
Currently, our member hospitals and Windsor-Essex Hospice are experiencing a systems outage including email. If your patients have a pre-booked appointment, please be advised they might be delayed or postponed. We encourage the use of appropriate community health services rather than going to the Emergency Department unless it is a true emergency. Thank you for […]
Press Release: Connecting Healthcare for Enhanced Patient Care – Grand River Hospitals & St. Mary’s Hospital Go Live on Ontario eHub
Kitchener-Waterloo Region, Ontario, October 19, 2023 — Ontario eHub (a partnership between TransForm and Project AMPLIFI) reached another significant milestone in the pursuit of better, more efficient, and coordinated patient care in the Kitchener-Waterloo region. As of October 19, 2023, Grand River Hospitals and St Mary’s Hospital have joined the Erie St Clair, London, Cornwall […]
TransForm – Working to Connect Ontario Health Systems
October 10, 2023 – Connecting the medical records of patients across the healthcare continuum to affect better, more efficient and coordinated patient care has moved another step forward for acute care hospitals and Long-Term Care (LTC) homes in the Grey-Bruce region.As of October 5, 2023, all hospitals in the Grey-Bruce region are now live on […]
Supply Chain Recognition Week: A Day in the Life of Lisa Heuston
Providing exceptional customer service is embedded in TransForm’s mission and values and staff that work on-site at member hospitals are a specific example of how that works.At Chatham Kent Health Alliance, Lisa Heuston works on-site as the Perioperative Supply Chain Specialist, ensuring surgical teams have the medical supplies and equipment needed to complete their procedures.From […]